Generally speaking, each alloy wheel is average lighter 2kg than thesame size steel wheel, so that one car with five alloy wheels will belighter 10kg.
According to the Japanese experiment, if one car with five seats reduces 1kg weight, it can save 20L petrol one year.
The Society of Automotive Engineers published a research report that,although the aluminum alloy wheel is expensive than steel wheel, butcar's fuel savings will be meet end of alloy wheel's cost when it wentto 20,000 km. You can drive your car to the alloy wheel manufacturer tocheck the advantage by yourself.
2. Prolong Engine Lives
According to engine load and the power curve, when the load increases toa certain extent, its power was reduced oppositely. Per one unit load,the engine will be more difficult (especially fuel). If you use aluminumalloy wheel and the engine load reduce, the problems are reducingnaturally and the life will be prolonged.
3. Good Heat Dissipation
Coefficient of thermal conductivity of alloy wheel is 3 times as much as the steel wheel.
When cars are driving long-distance at high speed, good heat dissipationwill maintain the tire at the proper temperature. So that the brakedrums and tire can not be easily aging.
4. Good Roundness
Alloy wheel’ precision is up to 0.05mm, running good balance ofperformance, help to eliminate the general body long and the steeringwheel shaking.
5. Stable and Durable
The impact resistance, tensile strength and heat of aluminum alloy wheelare higher than the steel wheel. This is one of the reasons that thealloy wheel plays an important role in the defense industry and aviationindustry.
6. Artistic
Because of production constraints, the form of general steel wheel isdull and monotonous and is lack of change; On the contrary, alloy wheelhas a wide range of designing, and better glossy, color effect, whichimproves the car’s value and aesthetics. You can check this article inthe alloy wheel manufacturer by yourself.