What's the replica rims? As the name suggests, the rims are the part of the edge of cars' around. The replica rims are the replica of the wheel rim around the edge of the part. When it is in use, the size of replica wheel rims is very important, which determines what tires the vehicles can be loaded with.
Tire / replica rims size: Replica rims code of international standard is the percentage presents the height and flat in millimeters, which followed by: Replica rims type code, the replica rim diameter (inches), the load index (permissible load mass number), the allowable speed code. For example: 175/70R 14 77H, 175 representatives the width of replica rims is 175mm, 70 representatives the flat section of the replica rims is 70%, that is, the width of the section height is 70%, rim diameter is 14 inches, the load index of 77, the allowable speed is H level.
The size code of replica rims in China is similar with the code of international standard. The nominal width and nominal diameter are suggested in inches. The connection symbol (* or -) in middle indicates whether the replica rims are the whole. For example: 4.50E * 16 indicates that the replica rims are the whole replica rims of 4.5 inches name width, and E rim code. 6.5-20 said it is the multi-piece wide flat replica rim of 6.5 inches nominal width, 20-inch nominal diameter.