Replica wheel is an important part of cars' running parts. It is inevitable to be hurt because of touching with the ground and high-speed running. Then how to repair Replica wheel when it is deformed?
When moving, tires have a strong impact on the hard objects. Then the tires will scrap andreplica wheel will deform.
Repair method: Filing the concave position of replica wheel with the sponge, cloth pad first, then use the hammer strongly smash the concave parts of replica wheel flat. After smashing flat concave point will certainly be very smooth. It does not matter that you can use putty to make it flat. After local repair, use the sandpaper to make inside replica wheel untidy and prepare for the next step to paint the replica wheel.
Make the putty dry in the sun. The next step is as a car spray paint, which is spraying the whole replica wheel. Because the original replica wheel is the color of its own, any paint can not achieve. Therefore, only the entire spray.
Use the color which is closed to the primary color to paint replica wheel. When paint is dry, a "new" replica wheel was born.
Side effect: Make the metal material ——aluminum bends and straight, after two or three times will be broken, let alone such a large wheel.
Replica wheel is forcibly restored to as it was, although the same appearance as new, but the internal organization of replica wheel has been very fragile. When the fixed position is impacted by something, the replica wheel will directly cause a serious accident breaking.